European Communication Research
and Education Association

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Health Communication

The Health Communication Section provides a forum to discuss issues and present cutting-edge research dedicated to analyzing the challenges of health communication. 

Topics covered include media effects on information processing, knowledge and health related behavior, the representation of health-related topics in the media, the role of new communication technologies in health-related contexts, campaign strategies, doctor-patient interactions, health-related communication in social networks, and other related aspects of health communication.

The Health Communication Section is particularly interested in bringing together health communication scholars from different parts of Europe to better understand how different historical trajectories, national differences in cultural dimensions, health systems and policies shape health communication.

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Management Team

Julia C.M. van Weert (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Vice chair:
Thomas N. Friemel (University of Zuerich, Switzerland)

Vice chair:
Elena Link (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany)

YECREA representative:
Janine Brill, Technische Universität Chemnitz

A list of management team contacts is available on  ECREA intranet

CLICK HERE (prior login required). 

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Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

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