European Communication Research
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General Assembly Announcement

19.07.2024 14:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The General Assembly of ECREA will convene at the 10th European Communication Conference in Ljubljana. The General Assembly will take place on Thursday, September 26th at 16:30 - 18:00 in FDV Grand Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5,1000 Ljubljana.

During the previous General Assembly, the Statutes amendments were approved. However, as the General Assembly didn‘t reach the quorum of two-thirds of its full members, ECREA members will be asked to approve the Statutes amendments again (for more information, see ECREA Statutes, Title V., Article 19:


1. Approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly (17-21 June 2024)

2. ECREA Executive Board Report on state of Association and activities 2021-2024

3. Statutes amendments - second vote (for more information, see ECREA Statutes, Title V., Article 19:

4. Vote on the dissolution of the existing ECREA Executive Board

5. Announcement of the results of the ECREA Executive Board Elections

6. Information about Sections, Networks and Temporary Working groups elections

7. Any other business

Who can vote?

Following our Statutes (see: each individual member has one vote, and each coordinator of an institutional member has one vote that counts for five votes.

The General Assembly election desk, where the voting members can collect their voting cards, will open at 15:00 on 26 September 2024 in front of FDV Grand Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5,1000 Ljubljana. Please collect your voting cards as soon as possible to avoid the cues and delays.

Since the Assembly will meet in a physical space, there will be no online voting.

If you are an institutional coordinator, you should reach out to the members covered by your institutional membership and coordinate with them.

If you are an ECREA member through an institutional membership and you are not the institutional coordinator, you cannot vote, but need to communicate with your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask Andra Siibak, the General Secretary of ECREA ( and ECREA Administrator in cc (

How to vote if you cannot attend this General Assembly?

If you, as coordinator of an institutional member, or as individual member cannot attend the assembly, you can mandate another ECREA member to vote on your behalf, by proxy. This also applies to institutional coordinators who will be represented by another member of their institution.

Please keep in mind that an ECREA member can only represent one other ECREA member.

For the proxy you will need to use the form. Fill it out, sign it and send it to Andra Siibak, ECREA’s General Secretary, and to ECREA Administrator by Thursday, 19 September 2024 by email to: and in cc.

You can download this form here (log in is required):

The quorum

Please note that the ECREA Statutes (art. 10a) stipulates that “the General Assembly votes and elects by a simple majority of those present and represented. In the case of a tie, the vote of the President or of the Board member replacing the President will be decisive.”

Amendments to agenda

If you wish to amend the agenda of the General Assembly, please, contact ECREA Administrator at no longer than 11 September 2024 (15 days prior the General Assembly).



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