European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 08.12.2022 08:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to invite you to participate in the ECREA Summer School 7-13 August at Roskilde University, Denmark. The application deadline is 16 February, 2023.

    The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School brings together members of the European research community to explore contemporary issues within media and communication studies. The Summer School offers a supportive international setting for European doctoral students, where you can present and develop your ongoing PhD projects and build valuable networks. Our main aim is to provide you with support, knowledge, and guidance through a variety of activities, including individual feedback seminars with leading media and communication scholars.

    General information

    The Summer School is open to all PhD projects within the broad field of media and communication studies. We especially encourage doctoral students who are in the middle of their studies to apply, as it is our experience that participation in this phase is the most productive and useful for participants.

    The Summer School runs over seven full working days and awards a 10-ECTS credit. Participants must be present throughout to receive the full credit. The working language is English; therefore, a sufficient understanding of and ability to express oneself in this language is expected.

    Location and programme

    The Summer School takes place at the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University, Denmark, and the programme will include:

    • Feedback sessions: you get detailed and constructive feedback on your PhD project.
    • Methodological workshops: you get to hone existing competencies and discover new approaches.
    • Talks and round tables: you get insights into current scholarly debates and tips on how to tackle life in academia.

    In addition, the programme will include social activities and cultural excursions, as well as time to work, write, and explore on your own. Click here for more information.

    Participation fee

    The participation fee is 990 Euros for ECREA members, and 1150 Euros for non-members. The fee covers:

    • Accommodation in single rooms (6-13 August)
    • Breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and snacks (7-13 August)
    • Welcome reception, excursions, and farewell dinner
    • Summer school materials, including diploma

    Doctoral students with limited economic means can apply for an ECREA grant to cover the participation fee and travel expenses. Click here for more information on eligibility and how to apply.

    Application procedure

    All interested doctoral students need to apply by Thursday 16 February, 2023. The application must include an abstract of the PhD project (max. 500 words) and a short bio (max. 300 words). Click here to fill out and submit the application form.

    Up to 50 doctoral students will be offered a spot at the Summer School. All applicants will be notified by the end of March, 2023.

    Please note that accepted applicants must, by Thursday 6 July, 2023, submit a 10-page paper on their PhD project as well as a 1-page list of questions and topics they would like to discuss at the Summer School. More detailed instructions can be found by clicking here


    For questions related to the application and grants, please write to

    For questions related to the programme, please write to


    • December 15 - Submission system opens
    • February 16 - Application submission deadline
    • End of March - Notification of acceptance
    • End of March - Notification of grant selection process
    • August 7-13 - Summer school week
  • 05.12.2022 16:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    We are happy to inform you that there is a team of three candidates applying for the new Women's Network management team:
    • Gizem Melek (chair)
    • Antje Glück (vice-chair)
    • María Martínez Sánchez (vice-chair)

    You can check their CVs and statement here: S/N/TWG additional election.

    All ECREA members irrespective of the type of their membership can participate S/TWG/N elections if they are members of respective S/TWG/N (members can manage their S/TWG/N membership in your profile on ECREA intranet).

  • 17.11.2022 22:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: December 18, 2022

    The ICA 2023 conference theme Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication invites communication scholars to examine how authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in public discourses and popular culture across the globe, and with what relational, social, political, and cultural implications.

    ECREA will host one panel at ICA 2023 and invites the submission of panel proposals that are focused on timely and innovative topics and are diverse in terms of methodologies, theoretical standpoints and/or nationalities of the presenters. We especially encourage panel proposals which include a European perspective and a comparative research focus. This call for panel proposals is open to ECREA members of all ECREA sections and to all topics.

    Please note the following information:

    Panel submissions. Panels provide a good forum for the discussion of new approaches, ongoing developments, innovative ideas, and debates in the field. If you plan to submit a panel, please submit the following details: (a) Panel theme or title, (b) a 75-word description of the panel for the conference program, (c) a 400-word rationale, providing justification for the panel and the participating panelists, (d) 300- word (max) abstract of each paper, (e) names of panel participants (usually 4-5 presenters, plus an optional designated respondent), and (f) name of panel chair/organizer. In terms of diversity, we expect a strong panel proposal to (a) include contributions of at least two different countries, (b) feature gender balance, and, ideally, (c) include not more than one contribution from a single faculty, department or school. Panel proposals need to be original and may not have been submitted to ICA before or at the same time. The panel is expected to consist of personal on-site presentations (not online). Accepted panel presentations do not count towards the max. allowed individual paper presentations at the ICA conference.

    Registering panelists. All panelists must be ECREA members by the time the conference takes place and agree in advance of submission to participate as panel presenters and to register for the ICA conference. ICA only provides a registration waiver for the panel convener, not for the other panelists.

    How to submit?

    • Email to:

    • Submission deadline is 18 December 2022, 23:59 CET

    • In case of questions please contact: Andreas Schuck (

    ECREA-ICA Conference Review Committee:

    Andreas Schuck (U Amsterdam, chair)

    Christina Holtz-Bacha (U Erlangen-Nürnberg, co-chair)

    Irena Reifová (Charles U Prague, co-chair)

  • 05.11.2022 11:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    During the 2022 conference, ECREA members elected management teams of Sections, Temporary Working Groups and Networks (S/TWG/N).

    The elections took place during business meetings.

    See the results HERE

  • 28.10.2022 13:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is pleased to announce that the 10th European Communication Conference will take place from 24 to 27 September 2024. It will be hosted by Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    Image credits:, photo: Jacob Riglin, Beautiful Destinations.

  • 25.10.2022 17:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is happy to announce that the ECREA European Media and Communication Summer School will take place at the Roskilde University (Denmark).

    The date, the call and other practicalities will be published soon here:

    ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School brings together members of the European research community to this summer school in order to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural studies. The summer school aims to provide a supportive international setting where doctoral students can present their ongoing work, receive feedback on their PhD-projects from international experts and meet students and academics from other countries, establishing valuable contacts for the future. 

  • 03.10.2022 15:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Recent evidence on the state of mental health among academics suggests that we need to be concerned. Faculty members and PhD students around the world run a high risk of developing mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and burnout, at some point in their career. The structural conditions of academic work, such as high publication pressure, fierce competition, and a culture of constant evaluation, may well contribute to the problem; and the pandemic has clearly intensified it.  

    As an association of scholars, it is the responsibility of ECREA to take these concerns seriously. In order to identify adequate responses to the problem, however, we first need to get a sense of the scale of the problem in our field. 

    It is for this reason that ECREA sincerely asks you to participate in an approximately 20-minute online survey that aims to map the state of mental health among media and communication scholars from around the world.

    Please use the following link to access the survey:  

    The survey link is active until October 18th, 2022. 

    Initiated and coordinated by Thomas Hanitzsch and Antonia Markiewitz (both from LMU Munich) together with Henrik Bødker (Aarhus University), the study is backed by ECREA together with several other international associations of scholars in the field. More information about the project is available here:

  • 19.09.2022 19:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    During the 2022 conference, ECREA members will elect management teams of Sections, Temporary Working Groups and Networks (S/TWG/N).

    The elections will take place during the business meetings.

    All ECREA members irrespective of the type of their membership can participate S/TWG/N elections if they are members of respective S/TWG/N (members can manage their S/TWG/N membership in your profile on ECREA intranet).

    You can find the subpage HERE

    You need to be logged in to read the statements.

  • 09.09.2022 14:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    ECREA wishes to establish a task force to support Ukrainian communication scholars based in Ukraine and beyond, support the better integration of Ukrainian scholars in European and global higher education in the field, and generally support the development of the field of communication in Ukraine. 

    If you would like to be considered for membership of the task force please send a covering letter and CV by Friday September 30th indicating in addition whether you would be willing to serve as either the chair or vice-chair of the task force. 

    Please send applications to

  • 08.09.2022 09:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    We are delighted to announce that the European Journal of Cultural Studies have kindly agreed to establish a best paper award for early career scholars presenting their research at the ECC in Aarhus in October 2022. The award has a financial value of 1500 euros and will be presented at the Aarhus conference.

    The award is open to early career researchers who are either doctoral researchers or who have received their doctorate recently. Papers should share the journal’s broad conception of cultural studies as being rooted in lived experience. Entrants must be presenting their paper at the ECC and must be a member of ECREA. Applicants should either be single or first authors and the papers should not have been already published in a scholarly journal.

    The submission date for entries is Friday September 23, 4pm CET.

    All entries must follow the guidelines for submission to the European Journal of Cultural Studies. Entrants should submit a short biography (no more than 10 lines).

    Please send your papers to

    If you have further questions please contact us at

    The award will be judged by a committee comprising of:

    • Joke Hermes (Editor of EJCS)
    • Goran Bolin
    • Despina Chronaki
    • John Downey



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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