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Crisis Communication Graduate Student/PhD Workshop at Crisis 6

09.05.2019 16:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

October 2, 2019

Leeds Beckett University, UK

Deadline: May 31, 2019

Graduate Student/PhD Workshop jointly held by ECREA’s Crisis Communication Section and Young Scholars Network (YECREA) at the 6th International Crisis Communication Conference on October 2, 2019 at Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom.

We would like to invite all Young Scholars to apply for the comprehensive YECREA Graduate Student/PhD Workshop until May 31. The workshop is organised within the ECREA's Crisis Communication Section / 6th International Crisis Communication Conference that will take place in Leeds from October 3 – October 5, 2019.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for doctoral students whose Ph.D. and research interest is related to the wide and interdisciplinary field of Crisis Communication. The cost, inclusive of a simulation or social media workshop, is £80. This will include lunches, tea, and snacks throughout the two days as well as any materials for the workshop.

October 2 from 9 am – 6 pm (including lunch, tea and snacks)

(Note: We decided to tighten up the schedule a bit and start on October 2 instead of October 1)

Panel Discussion: In the morning of the workshop, Professor Dr. Ralph Tench (Leeds Beckett University, UK), Professor Dr. Stephen Croucher (Massey University, NZ) and Dr. Keri Stephens (The University of Texas at Austin) will give short presentations on their research in connection to crisis. Points of reference are: Corporate Social Responsibility, Cross-Cultural Research, New Media and Citizen-Led Crisis Response. Afterwards, there will be time for a comprehensive Q&A in order to discuss all questions around these topics and the PhD process in general.

PhD Presentations: Afterwards, participants present an outline of their Ph.D. project and receive feedback by distinguished scholars with a broad experience in supervising PhD projects – Dr. Ralph Tench and Dr. Audra Diers-Lawson (both Leeds Beckett University), Dr. Stephen Croucher (Massey University, NZ) and Dr. Keri Stephens.

Preparing the PhD Presentations:

The presentations should address the following questions:

  1.  What is the problem that motivated you to conduct the research presented? 2. What is (are) your leading research question(s)?
  2. How do you try to answer these questions methodologically?
  3. What do you hope to contribute to your field of research?
  4. Optional: What are your (preliminary) findings? 6. Which challenges are you facing at the moment?

While regular conference panels rarely offer the opportunity for speakers to receive in-depth feedback, this workshop is conceived as a separate and more personal space to present to and receive feedback from experienced scholars as well as learn more about Crisis Communication and possible connection points within your research. The workshop mainly aims at Ph.D. students whose research project is still at an early stage, but it is also possible to participate if you already have preliminary findings. After a presentation of up to 20 minutes, the senior scholars serving as respondents will provide an initial feedback, followed by a Q&A session involving the other workshop participants as well.


To apply for the workshop, please prepare the following two documents:

  • an extended abstract of up to 500 words outlining your project (literature excluded)
  • a short letter of motivation stating why you would like to participate and which questions you want to see addressed; it should also mention your doctoral advisor as well as a rough time schedule for your project.

The documents must be submitted to Janina Schier ( until May 31, 2019. In case your proposal is accepted, you will receive a notification by mid-June 2019. There is no need to be a member of the Crisis Communication Section to apply, but please note that the capacity of the workshop is limited. A jury will select the applications according to standards of academic quality like theoretical foundation, stringency, and originality.

If you are also interested to register for the subsequent conference dealing with Risk and Crisis Communication in Leeds (October 3 – October 5), please check the conference website:

We will also be sharing more updates on the workshop and the conference through our Facebook Group:



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