European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 11.08.2022 11:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On August, 5, 2022, Professor Dr. Caroline Pauwels died. At 58 years old, she was first and foremost the mother of 2 wonderful children, Emil and Anna Violette. They are in their early twenties. Together with her caring sisters Annette and Bernadette, her mother, family and closest friends, they will miss Caroline dearly. Caroline died of stomach and esophageal cancer, a disease that had been diagnosed almost 3 years ago and which she fought with energy and a strong belief in medicine and science. Newspapers and social media in Belgium, on both sides of the language border, have been filled with obituaries and commentaries from journalists, politicians, colleagues, students, … all of whom honor the contribution that she has made as a professor, the director of research group SMIT and later on rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to our scientific field, collaboration between universities and other actors in society, cross overs between science and culture, and to societal debates at large. The attention is indicative of the tremendous legacy she leaves behind.

    I first met Caroline in 2003. I was in the second year of my bachelor in communication sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Caroline taught a theoretical course covering political economy of communication, cultural studies, and fascinating approaches such as the Frankfürter Schule. I dare say fascinating for all students as Caroline had the gift to bring all of this theoretical chizzle with a flair that appealed even to students that did not have particular scientific aspirations. I still remember the moment she entered the auditorium: on converse sneakers, her trademark footwear (until she became rector of the university, when she adapted her style somewhat ), long before sneakers were fashionable. Black trousers and a shirt. A rather petite person. But radiant. She laughed a lot, I recall. Really a lot. It seemed odd for a professor. Communication was not the dullest department, but, still, we had not witnessed such explicit and unblemished passion and joy when talking about Stuart Hall, Theodor Adorno, Nicolas Garnham, Bernard Miège and Robin Mansell. Caroline became even more passionate when she started to elaborate on Hannah Arendt, the German political philosopher, Holocaust survivor and one of the most influential political theorists of our times. Hannah Arendt was a giant to Caroline, someone who’s thinking inspired her until her very last moments. And she wanted students to encounter Arendt, even if it was not directly relevant to the course she taught. Caroline would probably have denied that such irrelevance was possible. She wrote a full introductory chapter on Hannah Arendt in her Ph.D. on European audiovisual policy. She insisted on it. She pushed through and obtained her Ph.D. in 1995. Professor Jean-Claude Burgelman was her supervisor. He was the founder and director of research group SMIT until 1999 when he joined the European Commission. Many years later, in 2020, Caroline created the Hannah Arendt Institute that brings together different universities and scientific disciplines. The institute aspires to advise policy-makers and everyone in society to make diverse societies more inclusive. The realization was a dream of her come true and is exemplary of her determination and wilfulness.

    In my third bachelor we met again. Caroline taught a course on European media policy, again with that drive. I loved it and, by then, was not surprised that even students that did not particularly care about policy, took the course with pleasure. Students always wanted to be around Caroline and she liked being around students. Even as Rector, she bridged the distance between the highest management level of the university and the students in one step. I will come back to this. It had never been seen. And I am not sure that it will be seen again. The year after, I was so happy when she accepted to supervise my master thesis dealing with WTO policies concerning the audiovisual sector. Caroline pushed me and others to reflect on such topics taking an outside-the-box perspective. At the time, in our discipline, it was somewhat bon ton to frame EU and WTO policy making as neoliberal and evil. Scholars somewhat easily dismissed the complexities of European and international policy making as well as the power and responsibility of nation states. Caroline invited us to think differently or at least be open to the idea that these commonly accepted ideas might not be true. That was challenging and fun. Quickly after I obtained my master degree, Caroline became my Ph.D. supervisor and, ever since, we were never out of touch. Not when I became an Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor, nor when she became Rector or when I left the university to work at the Flemish public broadcaster VRT as Director of Public Value, Talent and Organisation. Caroline was always supportive of me. She saw me, genuinely saw me and helped me to achieve my dreams. I cannot thank her enough for that. I am grateful I was able to tell her how profound and deep my gratitude is for all that. Of course, the relationship between a supervisor and Ph.D. student changes over the years and finding a balance after finishing your Ph.D. comes with some growing pains. We had our arguments. We talked about that a lot and I found myself saying things to my Ph.D. students that Caroline said to me. We spoke about that with humor.

    Allow me to say a few words about what I consider Caroline’s main contributions to our field*. Looking at her research, starting from her Ph.D. thesis which counted over 800 pages (!), Caroline made a manifest choice for, what I would call, a constructive political economy paradigm instead of the dominant critical political economy of the media paradigm. In her work, Caroline has always emphasized that economics and politics are structuring elements in the output of the media sector, and that an active consumer is not the same as a user with actual influence and power. At the same time, she consistently opposed slogans that graft on overly optimistic or negative visions of the information society and digital economy in which we find ourselves. To some extent that view goes back to her time as an intern in the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission led by Commissioner Karel Van Miert. She did a great job there and could have opted for an entirely different career path. Second, in her scholarly work Caroline always set out from an explicit humanistic perspective. An introductory chapter on Hannah Arendt in a media studies Ph.D., rarely seen and looked at with wonder by some, provided the foundation for a broader reflection on European audiovisual policy. In all her subsequent work, Caroline emphasized the importance of citizenship in a political, social, and cultural sense. But also citizenship as the possibility to determine and fully define your own life. It is this openess to self-determination, albeit not in a naïve way, that sets Caroline apart from much critical political economy of communication research. Despite structural inequalities, there are also opportunities for emancipation, creativity, diversity and pluralism. As a possibilist, Caroline was convinced of this. Inspired by Swedish physician and statistician Professor Hans Rosling Caroline liked to see herself as a possibilist, someone who studies the facts and, on that basis, develops a worldview that is constructive and useful. Hans Rosling posthumously received a honorary doctorate from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2019. As such, long before Des Freedman's very insightful operationalization of the concept of power, she inspired the idea of ​​contradiction: under the right circumstances there is always room for change and adaptation of structures. Caroline herself continuously was a driving force behind this, not only in her own research but much more broadly within the university and beyond.

    Essentially, Caroline’s scientific oeuvre never started from the intention to search for what is wrong in international, European or Flemish media policy. She refused to accept that the managers of large media companies only think of the bottom line and not in terms of e.g., journalistic quality. She observed, yet opposed, the intrinsic and enduring economic weakness of film or documentary production. Her collected scholarly work was not blind to structural inequalities in media production, aggregation, distribution and consumption. Students who took her courses on national and European media policy and on the major theories in communication sciences know this. Yet, she was not fatalistic in this and saw countermovements. It is this nuance in her research and education that politicians, policy makers and captains of industry are also familiar with, as well as Caroline's great optimism for progress and the urge to do things better. Caroline would call her perspective even critical or self-critical, but never, ever dogmatic and ingrained. Quotes that she often used, including in her teaching, reflected her vision in that area: Francis Picabia's “Our heads are round, so our thoughts can change direction” or Leonard Cohen's “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in”.

    Vincent Mosco's plea for actionable communication science research in mind, Caroline wanted to change the world. That may sounds somewhat sentimental, corny even. Nonetheless, people who knew Caroline will confirm this: she wanted to make the world a better place. And although many would not take the university as their place of residence for this, it was always the place for Caroline. I admire her for that, more than I can possibly express in this obituary. As a believer in the project that the universitas stands for, a sanctuary of ideas and free speech, Caroline coached a generation of researchers and professionals in her school of thought: Yes, we can! Those researchers ended up at various universities, also outside Belgium in countries such as Brazil, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Spain. Scholars who are not satisfied with easy policy analyses but make critical, interdisciplinary and substantiated analyses of what goes wrong and what is right, scholars that recognize that decision-making is essentially a complex process in which objectives align, but can also be legitimate yet contradictory, and who dare to go the extra mile – sometimes a bit with their feet in the mud – by formulating policy recommendations and also participating in policy itself in the European Commission, cabinets, intergovernmental organizations and even media companies. Caroline’s students now work within policy institutions, media companies, international conglomerates, the cultural sector, NGO’s and the educational field. She kept in touch with a lot of them and continued to push them to excel.

    More than a 'Caroline Pauwels butterfly effect' emerged. Large ripples, waves and sometimes even a tsunami can be seen in the water. That may sound arrogant coming from one of her former pupils, but I honestly believe that Caroline established a power house in media policy and economics research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and beyond. The last ten years of her career she was often absent from international scientific conferences, albeit that she was, together with Professor Peter Humphreys, vice-chair of ECREA’s Communication Law and Policy Section for several years; Professor Katharine Sarikakis was acting as a chair in the same period. But that nonattendance is what happens when you focus on the collective.

    In 2016, Caroline became Rector of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She became ‘commander in chief’. A bit against all odds. She was a communication scientist, a woman, young, and spirited. Her feistiness, clear vision on the future of the university and unpretentious care about the entire staff were convincing though. She got elected gaining a majority vote in all university groups that are allowed to vote (professors, other academic staff, supporting staff, academic hospital, students). Her motto: ‘break down the walls’. Caroline wanted a university that got rid of its inferiority complex compared with the bigger universities in Ghent and Leuven. She cherished our home in the capital of Belgium. She fought to break down the walls between the university and the city, between the disciplines within the university, between science and the arts, etc. The annual organization of Difference Day to celebrate press freedom, (an initiative successfully moving the university to places in Brussels), and Theater aan Zee (an arts festival at the Belgian coast in which Caroline and the university played a major role) are but a few cases in point.

    The university got rebranded, telling future students the worlds needs them. Possibilism. Yes, we can!

    In 2020, Caroline got re-elected as Rector of the university. There were no other candidates. She obtained over 90% of the votes. At that point, she was already diagnosed with cancer, but convinced she could continue working, which she did until February, 23, 2022 when her illness prevented her from doing the job she loved, from doing the job that, to her, was never a job but a passion.

    During the Covid pandemic, Caroline – more so than any other head of any other university in Belgium – concentrated much of her efforts on the psychological and material welbeing of students. She created a fund that aids students in difficulties. It was one of her ambitions to make the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the most diverse university in Flanders, a more inclusive university. Of course, she could not accomplish that entirely but she laid the foundation for a university where talent matters most, regardless any impediments students may encounter. In her final arrangements, she instructed the university to ask people to contribute to the fund instead of paying for flowers and other tokens of appreciation for her. Students first. People who want to support students who are struggling financially, materially, socially or psychologically can do so by making a donation to the Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund for students: account number BE51 0013 6779 3562 with the message GIFT FO7. If you want to add some words on Caroline, share a memory with her children and family, you can do so here

    Academic careers are not succesful because a scholar publishes a lot of web-of-science articles and books (she did), attracts big amounts of research funds (she did) and has an astronomously high H-index (not sure she bothered to register for that). Their career is meaningful when they had impact (not to be mistaken with impact factor). Caroline had a tremendous impact on the university and all its people.

    She had an impact on Brussels, which no longer felt the ugly ducklin of cities in Belgium. Caroline was born in the village of Sint Niklaas. She studied Philosophy in Antwerp and later on Communication Sciences in Brussels. She loved Brussels and the city loved her. The university is located on the outskirts of Brussels and she connected it with the city. She contacted companies to work closer with the university, also for internships, but even more so to reflect on society, education, genuine corporate responsibility and inclusion. CEO’s, museums, politicians, the royal family, civil society organizations, … reached out to her to reflect jointly on contemporary issues of society. And besides all of that, Caroline talked with people, basically with everyone that crossed her path from the taxi driver in Leeds over the cleaning lady of the university campus to undergraduate and graduate students. It is remarkable how many people hold fond memories of Caroline, people she met only once or twice. She made an impression on all of them.

    Caroline appeared in the media, not because she was keen to do so but because they asked her. They did not invite her because she had a pointy one liner or would be provocative for the sole reason of being inflammatory and confrontational, but because she was an authentic and empathic voice of reason, nuance and possibilism. And on top of that, as one commentator in the Belgian press wrote, her smile never broke.

    Caroline was not a saint. Some depict her like that. She would fiercely object the idea. She was not perfect. She could be very chaotic. I recall the dinner parties she organized at her house for her Ph.D. students. We, at some point more than 10 people, never had dinner before 10pm. But the atmosphere was always warm, welcoming and supportive. She had very high standards and her ideas always grew bigger and bigger and bigger. At times, that stressed out the people around her. However, those ideas tended to work out very well, also because she had the ability and flair to connect many people to work together on the achievement of overly ambitious concepts. She often proved us wrong.

    This is not an obituary from a distance. It is not an annotated overview of Caroline Pauwels’ many publications. I wrote this with great sadness for the loss of the mentor, friend and confidant that Caroline was to me. And while I am grateful for the simple fact that she was in my life and that she made a difference for so many people, including myself, I am not ready yet to let go.

    She made a difference. She broke down the walls.

    Karen Donders

    Director of Public Value, Talent & Organization, Flemish Radio and Television Organization (VRT)

    Associate Professor Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

    * I based this section on a contribution I wrote for a book in which several authors (academic and non academic) explain why they considered Caroline to be the deserved 2021 winner of the Arkprijs van het vrije woord, which is a prestigious price awarded by an independent jury to people that have defended freedom of thinking and merit recognition for that.

  • 18.07.2022 19:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The Series Editors Göran Bolin, John Downey, Christina Holtz-Bacha and Simone Tosoni invite the submission of open access book proposals for the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series.

    The Book Series aims to provide a diverse overview of the work of ECREA members and working groups, showcasing a diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research, and addressing this diversity from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, and through promoting collaborative research of our members, either within or between ECREA Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups (S/N/TWGs).

    The selection procedure consists of two steps:

    Step 1: Editors propose a topic for the volume. The proposals should contain: the names, affiliation, and a brief CV (maximum of 1 page of A4) for each of the editors, the title of the proposed volume, and a rationale (maximum of 1000 words).

    The ECREA Book Series Committee evaluates the proposals, decides on the acceptance for Step 2, and provides recommendations for the structure of the book.

    Step 2: If selected, the editors launch a call for abstracts and then select abstracts and submit an extended book proposal. The ECREA Book Series Committee evaluates the proposal, and, if necessary, provides recommendations for additional authors and perspectives for the chapters. Step 2 is competitive; at the end of the process, the ECREA Book Series Committee selects the proposal to be published as an open access book.

    WHAT are we seeking?

    ECREA Book Series Publications need to have a clear theme or focus.

    We are looking for timely and cutting-edge topics from the field of communication, as covered by ECREA.

    ECREA Book Series Publications aim to promote European media and communication research. We are seeking proposals that have a strong European dimension either by virtue of inclusion of regionally and ethnically diverse voices and cases, or by virtue of comparative research. Proposals should attempt to bridge the divides between regional and linguistic academic communities and strive to secure regional (East/West/North/South) balance of contributors and/or analysed cases. Proposals can include a limited number of authors who are not ECREA members and provide insights beyond European perspective (see details below).

    ECREA Book Series Publications aim to promote collaborative research. The series publishes edited volumes; single author monographs or monographs from a limited number of authors or authors based at the same institution will not be considered for publication. Proposals resulting from work within ECREA S/N/TWGs as well as those resulting from collaboration between ECREA S/N/TWGs are particularly encouraged. Proposals resulting from S/N/TWGs events or international projects are welcomed if the thematic coherence and the European dimension of the topic are apparent. Proposals where the work comes from members of one institution or predominantly form one national academic community are not considered for publication.

    We are seeking original, previously unpublished work. Inclusion of previously published work is accepted under condition that the work has previously not been published in English or was published in now mainly inaccessible outlets. In such cases, editors of accepted proposals will be required to acquire permissions to translate or republish the work (without any extra costs to the Book Series).

    WHO is invited to submit?

    The book series primarily promotes the work of ECREA members although a degree of openness towards non-ECREA members is also considered if the added value to the Book Series is evident.

    At least 50% of the chapters need to originate from ECREA members (individual members, or members through an institutional membership). At least one of the editors needs to be an ECREA member. These conditions need to be met at the latest when the proposal is accepted.

    Please note that ECREA Executive Board members cannot be editors of the books in ECREA book series but can serve as authors of the chapters. The Book Series editors cannot contribute to the content of the books in the ECREA book series in any way.

    What is the DEADLINE for submissions?

    Deadline for proposals in the first step are to be sent to the series editors by email to by 29 July 2022 (EXTENDED).

    HOW to submit the proposal?

    The proposals in step 1 should contain: the names, affiliation, and a brief CV (maximum of 1 page of A4) for each of the editors, the topic and the title of the proposed volume, and a rationale (maximum of 1000 words).

    Proposals in step 2 include extended abstracts for all contributions, introductory and concluding chapter.

    QUESTIONS and queries?

    Should you have any further questions concerning the Book Series call, please email the Book Series Editors at

  • 08.07.2022 13:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Travel grant sponsored by European Journal of Communication was awarded to PhD candidate Daniel Thiele (University of Vienna and Weizenbaum Institute Berlin) to support his trip to ECC 2022 Aarhus. The winner was selected in the competition of 13 quality proposals. The grant committee was composed of Peter Golding, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Félix Ortega and Irena Reifová. The winning paper will be also considered for publication in European Journal of Communication.

  • 17.06.2022 13:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2022 ordinary General Assembly of ECREA opens on Monday 20 June (6:45 CEST) and will close on Friday 24 June (23:45 CEST) 2022. We invite all the members, who are eligible to vote, to participate and cast their votes online.

    The Assembly deals mainly with Approval of ECREA Executive Board Report for 2021.


    Please note that only individual members and institutional coordinators are entitled to vote. If you are a member through an institution, you do not have the right to vote but need to communicate to your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask ECREA’s Office Manager at In line with ECREA Statutes, each individual member has one vote and each coordinator of an institutional member holds five votes.

    All members, who are eligible to vote will receive a separate email with voting credentials and a link to dedicated online area when the General Assembly opens.

  • 26.05.2022 12:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) and ECREA invite applications for 12 ECC 2022 grants for young scholars who are ECREA PhD members and are accepted to present at ECC.

    At least 5 out of the 12 grants will go to soft-currency ECREA PhD members;

    • Grant for regular ECREA PhD members: conference fee waiver + max €350 reimbursement towards travel/accommodation;
    • Grant for soft-currency ECREA PhD members: conference fee waiver + max €450 reimbursement towards travel/accommodation;

    Deadline for application: June 25th, 2022.

    The grants are intended for YECREA members (visit to learn how to become a YECREA member) in order to support access to the academic community of media and communication scholars by attending ECREA’s biannual conference from 19th to 22nd October 2022 in Aarhus, Denmark. The ECC 2022 grants include a waiver for the conference fee and partial reimbursement for costs of travel and accommodation.

    Grant awards will be made based on several criteria, of which the most important is the applicants’ access to financial resources (e.g. from their home university, third-party funded projects or national funding institutions). The grants will be awarded only to early-career scholars whose presentation has been accepted to the programme of the conference. The applications will not be reviewed in terms of academic quality. However, applicants should preferably have submitted abstracts as first authors to the ECC conference programme.

    The grants will be provided as reimbursements. The relevant claim form, digitised invoices and receipts documenting actual costs must be submitted electronically to in addition to the submission of the original documents posted to the ECREA accountants: RSM Belgium, Lozenberg, 22 b3, B1932 Zaventem, Belgium. The applicant will be reimbursed up to the amount of the subsidy that was granted to the particular applicant.

    Application & Timeline ECC Grants 20222

    Applicants are expected to complete and submit the following Application Form here:

    If selected for a grant, you will be asked to send proof of acceptance to the conference (forwarding the acceptance e-mail) as well as some evidence of your PhD or post-doctoral research status (e.g. proof of enrolment, a letter from your institution, or a link to your home university profile).

    To apply, please complete the form no later than June 25th, 2022 at 23:59 CEST. We will notify the applicants by July 10th, 2022. All grantees should confirm their attendance by July 25th, 2022.

  • 17.05.2022 08:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is happy to announce two workshops that are part of the series of pre-conferences organised within 9th European Communication Conference (ECC) in Aarhus. Both will take place on October 18, 2022. The aim of these full-day meetings of ECREA members is to discuss various ways how to do research. The workshops consist of four sessions, each is dedicated to one particular method and run by a different speaker. However, we kindly ask you to participate in all four parts.

    These workshops are intended for ECREA members and are free.

    Please register as soon as possible, the number of places is limited.

    1) QUALITATIVE METHODS WORKSHOP: Doing research creatively

    • CREATIVE RESEARCH METHODS (Maria Murumaa-Mengel)
    • AUTOETHNOGRAPHY (Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt)

    Register here:

    2)  WORKSHOP: An Intro to the Digital Research Methods

    • A first look into web scraping (Janne Nielsen, Aarhus University)
    • Automated Content Analysis with R (Cornelius Puschmann, Bremen University)
    • Social Media Analytics: From Raw Data to Engagement Metrics (Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology)
    • Research imagination for digital mixed-method research (Salla-Maaria Laaksonen University of Helsinki)

    Register here:

  • 05.05.2022 09:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    European Journal of Communication (EJC) and ECREA invite Ph.D. candidates who are members of ECREA and its YECREA to apply for the EJC-funded grant supporting the PhD candidate´s attendance at the 9th European Communication Conference in Aarhus, 19-22 October 2022.

    The amount of the grant is 1500 EUR. It covers conference fee, travel and accommodation costs and daily allowance to support excellent Ph.D. candidates with limited opportunities to participate in international academic events. The applications will be judged by Peter Golding (one of EJC Editors) and ECREA representatives Christina Holtz-Bacha, Félix Ortega and Irena Reifová. The committee will evaluate the applications according to the following criteria: originality, methodological rigour, and significance to the field of media and communication studies.

    The grant holder will be invited by the European Journal of Communication to develop the paper proposal into a full paper, which will be considered for publication in the European Journal of Communication (no guarantees of publication).

    The Ph.D. candidates who want to apply for the EJC-funded grant must meet the following conditions:

    • must be selected for the program of 9th ECC in Aarhus
    • must be ECREA/YECREA member at the time of the conference
    • must submit short CV
    • must submit extended abstract of the accepted paper up to 1000 words (no bibliography)
    • must submit letter from his/her supervisor (confirming that the applicant has no other or very limited opportunities to get funding from other sources)

    The deadline of the applications is 3 June, 2022. All the requested documents must be submitted in PDF format to the email:

  • 19.04.2022 08:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2022 ordinary General Assembly of ECREA opens on Monday 20 June (6:45 CEST) and will close on Friday 24 June (23:45 CEST) 2021. We invite all the members, who are eligible to vote, to participate and cast their votes online.

    The Assembly deals with a number of important issues, such as Approval of ECREA Executive Board Report for 2021.


    Please note that only individual members and institutional coordinators are entitled to vote. If you are a member through an institution, you do not have the right to vote but need to communicate to your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask ECREA’s Office Manager at In line with ECREA Statutes, each individual member has one vote and each coordinator of an institutional member holds five votes.

    All members, who are eligible to vote will receive a separate email with voting credentials and a link to dedicated online area when the General Assembly opens.

  • 24.03.2022 17:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is planning to start its monthly podcast series and is launching a call for the position of the host of the podcast series.

    The ECREA podcast series would explore current scholarship, emerging new topics and developments in the realm of media studies, journalism and communication science. There will be 1-2 episodes per month.

    In each episode the host of the series engages in inspiring discussions with leading scholars on the field. The sub-committee consisting of different ECREA Executive Board members will help the podcast host in planning each episode e.g. choosing the topics for discussion, finding guests for each episode, etc.

    ECREA is opening a call to invite interested scholars to apply for a position to become a host for the ECREA podcast series. This is a paid position.

    We encourage scholars with previous podcast hosting experience, and relevant technical skills to apply for the position. We also envision the host to have access to a studio as well as all the necessary technical resources needed for running a good-quality podcast.

    We ask the interested parties to send a motivation letter consisting of 1) a description of their previous experiences and background and 2) their general vision about the ECREA podcast series; together with a draft financial plan (salary, studio rent, etc.) by 8 April 2022. The proposals must be sent by e-mail (attachment in MS Word or .pdf format) to ECREA's General Secretary Andra Siibak (

    The timeline for the selection process:

    8 April 2022: the call is closed. ECREA Bureau in collaboration with the sub-committee members from the Executive Board considers applications and selects candidates to be interviewed. Interviews with the best candidates will be organized to clarify all the details.

    6 May 2022: The host for the ECREA podcast series will be announced in Digest. The host will then start working together with the ECREA sub-committee to plan the first episodes for the podcast.

    End of May 2022: the first episode of the podcast will be made available. 

  • 23.03.2022 15:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Information War: communication and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    ECREA webinar

    Recorded on Wednesday 9 March 2022

    Link to the recording:


    Precious Chatterje-Doody (The Open University)
    Tanya Lokot (Dublin City University)
    Lyubov Naydonova (Institute for social and political psychology of National Academy of Educational Science of Ukraine)
    Elisabeth Schimpfoessl (Aston University)
    Joanna Szostek (University of Glasgow)

    Moderated by ECREA President, John Downey (Loughborough University)

    Precious Chatterje-Doody

    Dr Precious Chatterje-Doody is a Lecturer in Politics and International Studies at the Open University. She taught previously at the Universities of Manchester and Birmingham, and worked for two years as a Research Associate on the AHRC-funded project Reframing Russia for the Global Mediasphere: from Cold War to 'Information War'?

    Her research interests centre on questions of communication, perception and security, with a particular focus on Russia. Her work engages with the role of historical memory and identity in international relations; soft power, political communication and global media (particularly Russia's international broadcaster, RT); and critical approaches to security, including emotions and war.

    Tanya Lokot

    Tanya (Tetyana) Lokot is Associate Professor in Digital Media and Society at the School of Communications, Dublin City University. She researches threats to digital rights, networked authoritarianism, internet freedom, and internet governance in Eastern Europe. She is the author of Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), an in-depth study of protest and digital media in Ukraine and Russia.

    Tanya has worked as a journalist, non-profit consultant, and media trainer in Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia, and speaks fluent English, Russian, and Ukrainian. From 2014 to 2016 she was contributing editor for the RuNet Echo project at Global Voices. Previously, she was Assistant Professor and Head of New Media Sequence at Mohyla School of Journalism (NaUKMA, Kyiv, Ukraine). Tanya received her PhD from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. Among other things, she chairs the ECREA Media, Cities and Space Section.

    Lyubov Naydonova

    Lyubov is a deputy director for research at the Institute for social and political psychology of National Academy of Educational Science of Ukraine (in Kyiv), Member of Public Council of National broadcasting regulator, President of Ukrainian association of media psychologists and media educators, doctor of psychology and ECREA member.

    Elisabeth Schimpfoessl

    Elisabeth Schimpfoessl is a senior lecturer at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aston University Birmingham. In recent years she has focused on two research topics. First is research into the sociology of elites, power and social inequality, and, second, comparative research into media and journalism in post-communist Europe.

    Her book Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie (Oxford University Press 2018) looks at the top 0.1 percent in Putin's Russia. In a follow-up project, a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, Elisabeth compared the practices of British and Russian philanthropists. The second strand of her research deals with post-communist journalism, which she carries out together with Ilya Yablokov from the University of Leeds. This research started in Russia and then expanded to Eastern Europe.

    Joanna Szostek

    Joanna Szostek is a lecturer in Political Communication at the University of Glasgow. Her research interests centre on the role of mass media in relations between states, particularly in the post-Soviet region. Before moving to Glasgow she completed a three-year research project to investigate and explain the reception of competing political narratives among audiences in Ukraine. The project was funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship from the European Commission. It included an 18-month secondment to Kyiv Mohyla Academy in Ukraine and a five-month secondment to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Results from that project are published in leading international journals, including Perspectives on Politics and The International Journal of Press/Politics.

    From 2019 Joanna works on a new research project investigating why levels of engagement with local, national and foreign/transnational media vary within and across ‘peripheral’ regions of Ukraine. The project, which is funded by the British Academy, is intended to shed light on how media use among ‘peripheral’ audiences can undermine and/or benefit state security, broadly defined. She holds a doctorate in Politics from the University of Oxford. Her professional experience includes several years at the BBC and many years of living and working in Russia and Ukraine. She is currently an associate fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs.



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